Howdy! I, Ginny, am the lady in the title. My two sons and husband are the men. Come along with me as I go nuts trying to understand my men. Why, oh why, can't they clean up after themselves?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

OMG.....Potty Training

I detest potty training. Absolutely detest it. Is it this difficult with girls? Is this just a boy thing? Are my boys, in particular, more reluctant than others to use the potty?

The little boy has been using the potty now for about two weeks. He is 3 yrs 8 mos old. He absolutely would have nothing to do with it before now. Now he's using the potty to pee, and has only had one pee-pee accident. Number two, however, is proving to be more of an issue. He's afraid to go in the potty. We had success yesterday. I had to sit in the bathroom and coach him along. All the while I was stifling my laughter as I felt like I was coaching someone thru child birth. Holding his hand and telling him over and over to push. Makes me chuckle thinking about it. lol

Anyway....he was very proud of himself after that suceess. High fives between he and I, calling daddy at work to tell him, he got the special toy we'd been holding over his head waiting for the moment. He announced he would, from then on, be using the potty to go poopy. Well, this morning he refused. Flat out refused. We sat in the bathroom forever and he just would. Not. Do. It. Period. He proceeded to go in his pull-up right before bed tonight.

Now, I know....I're shouting "take away the freakin' pull-ups!". I've cleaned his mess out of his undies one too many times and was just in the mood to do that today, so he wore a pull-up...but he still used the potty to go pee. Sigh.

I know, I know he will not go to college wearing a pull-up and still refusing to use the potty. So, why do I take his fear and reluctance to use the toilet so personally? And, like it's my fault if he doesn't want to do it? He knows this is something I can't force him to do, he has complete control over it. And that drives me nuts!


My name is Tammie said...

I don't even want to think of it with my three. We tried the first day of the new year and it was a disaster. I am glad to know that there are other mom's out there that don't have their child potty trained at 2.

Anonymous said...

I have a boy and a girl. The girl is two years older, which of course means that she was the first one in line for toilet training. Although I was convinced she made a connection between her bodily functions and where they needed to be deposited, it wasn't until she was 3 1/2 -- yes, 3 1/2! -- that she "got" it. It was a messy week, to be sure, but once that week was over, she never had an accident -- not even at night.

Believing that she was merely a late learner, I figured my son would be different. Nope. Exactly the same, but with the same benefit -- dry at night, too.

My daughter is now 13, and my son 11. And, yes, I do miss those days. Hard to believe that when you're in it!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Hey Ginny, this is Renee from Kellsey's blog :). I need your email address and I will be happy to add you when we go private! Send it to my email! camommy2kj at aol dot com